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  • Masakado Y, Abo M, Kondo K, Saeki S, Saitoh E, Dekundy A, Hanschmann A, Kaji R; J-PURE Study Group
    Efficacy and safety of incobotulinumtoxinA in post-stroke upper-limb spasticity in Japanese subjects: results from a randomized, double- blind, placebo-controlled study (J-PURE). 
    J Neurol. 2020;267(7):2029-2041 

  • Kagaya H, Masakado Y, Saitoh E, Fujiwara T, Abo M, Izumi SI, Nodera H, Dekundy A, Hiersemenzel R, Nalaskowski CM, Hanschmann A, Kaji R
    IncobotulinumtoxinA for upper- and lower-limb spasticity in Japanese patients.
    Curr Med Res Opin. 2020;36:827-834. 

  • Koyama Y, Isaji Y, Sugimoto A, Tochikura M, Kasahara T, Toyokura M, Masakado Y
    Successful Treatment with the Chin-down Maneuver of Dysphagia Secondary to Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis: A Case Study.
    Prog Rehabil Med. 2020;5:20200002.

  • 豊倉穣

  • 砥綿敬史、古賀信太朗、石原寛久、多田英美、高橋真須美、児玉三彦、正門由久
    嚥下医学 2020: 9: 92-99

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